Book Bakery cooks up love of reading


They sure know how to bake up fun ways to learn at Sara Harp Minter Elementary. All of the kindergarten Mountain Lions learned how different kinds of books can make reading a sweet treat with a Book Bakery unit.

The Book Bakery was a mini unit for all kindergarten students that took place over 3 weeks. Students learned about different genres (nonfiction, fiction, biography, fantasy, fairy tales, poetry), enjoying multiple stories of each type. They then created a “bakery of books” cupcake tin illustrating the cover of each story read to them.

At the end of the unit, each student received a chef hat and a cupcake of their own to decorate and eat. They also took home their cupcake tin filled with “cupcakes” illustrated with the titles of the different genres.

Teacher Susan Gittins believes the memorable activity will inspire a lifelong love of reading.

“It is our hope that students are more familiar with the different genres available and have broadened their interest in reading using these different books.”

— Provided by the Fayette County School System.