Puppet promotes inclusion at Braelinn


A special guest brought a special guest to meet new friends at Braelinn Elementary. Hailey, a 3rd grader at Braelinn, and her puppet Lily visited the adapted curriculum classroom to perform for the students.

The adapted curriculum students have been practicing communication, so they were able to try out their new tools like waving, saying “hi,” and stating their name to Lily.

Teacher Kristen Hodges said it was a great example of reverse inclusion, and she was thankful to see a peer leader step up and interact with other students.

“This was such a sweet treat,” said Hodges. “We are grateful for peer leaders like Hailey.”


  1. Reverse Inclusion is the practice of placing typically-developing students into an Early Childhood Special Education class on a voluntary basis to serve as social-emotional & communication role models for students with disabilities.