Visions of 285 in Peachtree City


I recently read the editorial submitted to The Citizen by Clint Holland, who is running for Post 3, City Council in PTC. Mr. Holland proposed an overpass at the intersection of 54/74. An overpass in PTC?

I moved to Peachtree City to escape Atlanta in 2020 for many reasons. The main one being what Peachtree City is, not what it can be.

I understand if you have lived in PTC for years and experienced the escalation of traffic at that intersection that it is bad. Another perspective from someone leaving Atlanta or many northern Atlanta suburbs, it is really not that bad in comparison.

I can’t even imagine the impact on traffic and local businesses during the construction of an overpass in Peachtree City. How far out from the intersection would you need to go? How many businesses would be forced out of business as the land around the intersection would be purchased by the state? What would an overpass do to the character of this city?

After doing some research, it seems that a City Councilperson or the City Council doesn’t even have the authority to build an overpass at this intersection.

Based on the amount of time that Dr. Crane has lived in Peachtree City and plans to live in Peachtree City, I do not see him taking steps to hurt this city.

Please do not ruin this city. Vote for Phil Crane for City Council on December 6, 2022. Early voting starts on November 28, 2022.

Jason Aldrich

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Clearly, as ptcwalker mentions, at least Clint addressed the subject and offered possible solutions. He, nor anyone else, implies that this is the definitive solution, but merely talking about the problem rather than ignoring it is a start. The implication that because he is relatively “new” to the area he can’t tackle the issues affecting the community holds no sway, sometimes new perspectives coupled with a conservative foundation are exactly what we need. Looking forward to Mr. Holland, a councilman who actually represents the interests of his constituency.

    • He didn’t offer a possible solution. He offered a decades-old idea that was deemed infeasible 5 years ago. If this was a possible solution, it would have already been done. If he was listening, then he would have known this. With his lack of knowledge and tact, he will drain the reserves on his lawsuits before he can use them on an overpass. Definition below to save you time.

      Infeasible – not possible to do easily or conveniently; impracticable.

  2. Just because Mr. Holland is throwing an idea out there, does not mean it will be implemented. I wouldn’t be too concerned about an overpass being approved by the Peachtree City council.

    Referring to The Citizen’s questions, at least Mr. Holland addressed the 54/74 traffic problem and suggested “maybe” when mentioning an overpass. He’s thinking about possible solutions and notes that GDOT must be involved. Mr. Crane never mentioned 54/74, which should be a clue as to what he proposes – nothing. So far all we have are “empty promises.”

    Mr. Holland:
    “Route 74/Route 54 Interchange needs a permanent fix, not the proposed “Band-Aid” from GA DOT. I would propose re-doing or maybe halting the current band aid approach and go for a more permanent fix of the interchange with the help and coordination of GA DOT engineers. I would personally enjoy doing this project when elected to serve on the city council.“

    Mr. Holland:
    “54/74 traffic is the most consistent aggravation in our city. As an engineer and manager, I know this intersection can be vastly improved and maybe even fixed with an overpass/underpass. If elected I will work closely with GA DOT to discuss all the possible solutions for a workable answer, and not just give our citizens more empty promises. GA DOT has money available and resources existing to make this happen at 54/74, but PTC city council may need to contribute more money to make the GA DOT plans work”

    Vote for Clint Holland.

    • Your defense of Holland is confusing.
      “He can’t do anything.” “I like the idea of what he can’t do.”
      It probably would be simpler to say “I have no good reason for it, but I like Holland better.” At least you wouldn’t have to dig so hard for “facts.”

      I think we’re avoiding the elephant in the room. Holland, a chemical engineer, knows what’s best for traffic in the town he just moved to. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when he marches down to GDOT and tells those, clearly inferior, traffic engineers how to do their jobs. Especially after the study conducted by GDOT, and the clearly inferior traffic engineers, shows the overpass being a terrible idea.

      I guess 3 terms as an elected official in town just wasn’t quite long enough for Steve Brown to get his overpass. One more term through a puppet should do it though.

  3. Much smarter, innovative, and creative people have offered various solutions to solve the disaster that is the intersection of Hwys 54/74. All have failed. Why would anyone believe that a neophyte politician, who hasn’t even lived in the 30269 for less than 5 year, has any answers to this problem?