Recent Fayette County Public Library News


Book Club for Teenagers – “It’s Lit Book Club” 

The Fayette County Public Library is starting its first Book Club for teenagers, ages 14-18. “It’s Lit Book Club” will gather once a month to discuss books and eat pizza.

The inaugural meeting will discuss the book “The Project” by Courtney Summers. The book is a suspense thriller. Book copies are available at the library for checkout. Please call 770-461-8841 or email [email protected] for more information.


Earth Day Art Contest for Middle and High Schoolers – DEADLINE APRIL 28TH, 2023

Fayette County Public Library invites all middle and high school students to participate in the 2023 Earth Day Art Contest! All entries must reflect this year’s theme: “Love Your Mother (Earth)”.  The winning artwork will be displayed in the library and on social media. The winning artists will each receive $20.00 gift cards and sketchbooks made from recycled materials.


  • Entry must be original artwork created by a student who is currently enrolled in middle or high school (grades 6-12). Homeschool students welcome.
  • One middle school and one high school winner will be selected.
  • Students must submit artwork via email to [email protected] with the subject line “2023 EARTH DAY ART CONTEST SUBMISSION”. Student must include their name, age, grade, school, email, and phone number in the body of the email.
  • Artwork must be in JPEG, PDF, or PNG format.
  • Artwork may be done in any medium (marker, crayon, paint, digital, collage, etc.).
  • Artwork should not display names of commercial products, companies, or organizations.
  • Artwork should not display the name of the student or their school. All entries will be judged anonymously.
  • Artwork must be related to the contest theme. The theme should be exemplified in the artwork.
  • The deadline for all entries is April 28th by 5:00 p.m. EST.
  • Winners will be notified no later than May 5th and announced to the public on May 8th.

Students who do not follow the above guidelines and artwork that does not meet the above specifications will be disqualified.

For more information, please contact Abby Spasser at [email protected].