The weaponization of ‘justice’


Back in the day when Bill Clinton was President of the United States, the Republicans led an effort to impeach him. “Impeachment” simply means that he was charged. Neither Clinton nor any other President has been convicted and removed from office. The only three that have ever been impeached were Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was “impeached” (if, indeed, this was even a legal action) a second time after he left office and was no longer President. In any event, all three were acquitted of the charges, which is what a failure to convict means.

I had a serious disagreement with the Republicans over the Clinton impeachment. The constitutional justification for impeachment is “high crimes and misdemeanors,” whatever the heck that is. It is a phrase that is terribly vague and subjective and can mean anything the people who wish to impeach a president wish for it to mean.

Clinton was guilty of immorality and other misjudgments but, if that is the standard, then most presidents and members of Congress would be kicked out of office. I know he lied under oath but is that a “High crime?” Apparently not, since he was acquitted.

What did happen, however, was that for the first time in over a century, a president was impeached. I shared with someone at the time, “This is going to mean it’s open season on the president of the other party.” And that is just what happened. Clinton was impeached in 1998. Trump was impeached in 2020 followed by a second “impeachment” a year later.

Johnson was the first president impeached in 1868. It would be 130 years before such a traumatic national event happened again. After Clinton’s impeachment, it was only 22 years until the next impeachment and only ONE YEAR until the next.

Now, a former president has been indicted and arrested on 34 felony counts that both Democrat and Republican leaders alike have serious qualms about, as do most legal experts. And this by a New York District Attorney who apparently never met a felony he didn’t want to turn into a misdemeanor.

Yet, he ran on a pledge to “get Trump.” This has very serious implications for all previous presidents and future former presidents. Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) is already publicly calling for local and state prosecutors to bring criminal charges against leading Democrats, including former Senator Hillary Clinton.

Is this what this nation has devolved into? Are we now a government that uses the justice system to persecute and prosecute political rivals? Apparently, because ever since the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we have become exactly that. Charges and counter charges are thrown about without restraint. What used to be passionate disagreement has morphed into open hatred.

We expect this kind of behavior in Cuba, Russia, and in third world countries where despots govern. We expect them to silence, marginalize, punish, imprison, and even kill dissents or people who are opposed to them politically. But here in America? Well, it used to happen on a regular basis. It was the power of the governments in certain states that used “the law” to imprison suffragettes, union workers, and civil rights activists.

The disturbing thing is that tens of millions of Americans, who have little understanding of the constitution, the law, and historical precedent are cheering this behavior if it’s the “other side” who gets hit.

But, based on past behavior and human nature, here’s one thing for certain … that man or woman you support? Your political leader you stand behind? The political crowd with whom you identify? If this doesn’t stop, they — whoever “they” are — are eventually coming after you.

[David Epps is the Rector of the Cathedral of Christ the King ( Worship services are on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and on livestream at He is the bishop of the Diocese of the Mid-South ( He may be contacted at [email protected].]


  1. Yes, conservatives stick with the most immoral man ever to assume the presidency–Donald Trump. Earth to Republicans: Trump has committed crimes!

    By the way, a man like Mr. Epps gives religion a bad name. No wonder people are leaving the Catholic church. You have no morals! You are an embarrassment to religion, Mr. Epps.

    • What a nice person you are! It’s not every day that someone, whom I assume I do not know, takes the time to analyze me and then, from the cover of anonymity, shares that careful and educated analysis with the world! Thank you!
      But, in truth, someone once asked me why I should get into Heaven. I replied, “If it’s not about Jesus and His mercy, I got nothing.” So, it’s not my works, or character, or even my morality (or lack thereof) that gives me hope, but Jesus and His mercy.

      David Epps

  2. So Bill “Clinton was (only) guilty of immorality and other misjudgments”? Nope. The most powerful boss in the country committed adultery, had sex with an intern a dozen or so times (textbook sexual harassment – – you’re ok with that?), and lied about it to a federal grand jury and the nation. He committed perjury and obstructed justice, yet not only escaped jail time but was allowed to stay in public office.

    Since then, there’s a growing list of leftists evading justice (poster child Hillary Clinton), while they’ve ramped up using federal agencies to target conservatives and enact woke progressive policies.

    Conservatives by nature don’t want to go down that path, still holding on to the Constitution, blind justice and traditional American values. I agree that some Republicans are reaching the point of ENOUGH, and will resort to the same tactics as the left uses to level the playing field.