Learn about aviation weather and how to fly drones


Southern Crescent Technical College is offering to all students, a dual-enrollment Technical Certificate of Credit in Basic Drone Technology. Summer semester runs May 24th till July 18th or a Fall semester matched to the Fayetteville County School system schedule. The prerequisite course is AVOT 2001 and the Summer schedule will be Tuesday/Thursday 5:30PM till 7PM. The Fall schedule will be Monday through Thursday, 8:45am till 10am.

For the second semester, AVOT 2003/2103 Aviation weather and the National Airspace System will be offered Spring 2024 during the same time slot – Monday through Thursday 8:45am till 10am. Completing both semesters earns 9 credit hours and the knowledge necessary to pass the Federal Aviation Administration Remote Pilot examination and obtain their pilot certificate.

More details on this course:
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technical Certificate
Southern Crescent Technical College, Fayette Center of Innovation campus, is offering a two term course of study to obtain a Technical Certificate in Basic Drone Technology along with earning 9 hours of credit. This program will provide students the opportunity to acquire a Federal Aviation Administration Certification as a Remote Pilot with small Unmanned Aerial Systems Rating. As you are aware, the FAA 107 Certificate is required for commercial privileges.

In addition, successful completion of this course and the FAA Part 107 certification will provide future employers with confidence that the applicants have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to perform a variety of tasks utilizing sUAS systems safely within the National Airspace System. Admissions link.

The course is designed to go beyond obtaining a FAA 107 Certificate and will introduce students to some of the common sUAS applications. Students will learn competency in the National Airspace System, Aerodynamics of sUAV multi-rotor aircraft, basic sUAS inspection, proper preflight duties, and weather systems/conditions related to sUAV operations. In addition, classes will involve mission planning using simulator flights and actual aircraft flights in the lab and in the field.

There is a world of difference between passing the FAA multiple choice exam and receiving adequate training to become a proficient Remote Pilot-in-Command. In fact, employers and their insurance companies will require a demonstration of the technical knowledge along with actual flight experience prior to considering the offer of a job. SCTC Technical Certificate will provide the pathway toward future employment in this exciting and developing field.

More Details:
AVOT 2001 UAS Concepts starts the Fayette County school system Fall semester first period Monday through Thursday. Aerodynamics, basic operating rules for drones, introduction to airspace and weather. Every other day lab sessions starts with a drone simulator and moving toward indoor flights with the Ryze Tello.
AVOT 2003 & 2103 done during the Spring term and are back to back 8 week courses starting with AVOT 2003 Aviation Weather and the National Airspace System. Finishing with 2103 Regulations, CRM, ADM, and emergency. These classes will be held during the same class period as the Fall sessions. At the end of the Spring term student who do well will have the opportunity to take the FAA knowledge exam.

For adults or those advanced high school students, we offer AVOT 2010 Intermediate Flight Development (3 additional credit hours). Deep dive into advance aerodynamics, weight/balance, radio communication, and operations within controlled airspace including the process to obtaining waivers and LAANC approvals. Labs consisting drone flying field trips into controlled airspace. Schedule to be determined depending on need.

Finally, AVOT 2105 Commercial Applications (4 additional credit hours). Operating various software programs including orthomosaic, mapping, NDIV, thermography programs. Introduction to beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) operations. Labs collecting data and processing through these software programs. We intend to touch on all these applications however the particular software applications explored will evolve depending on the needs of the class. Schedule to be determined depending on need. Both AVOT 201 and AVOT 2105 may be taken during one term. Summer terms are available for advanced students.

For more info/questions/concerns, contact me: [email protected] 678-438-7741