Runners, Jeff Galloway is coming to PTC!


Nationally acclaimed Olympian Jeff Galloway is coming back to PTC and will be the guest speaker at the next monthly meeting of the Peachtree City Running club on Tuesday, September 5, at 7:00 PM at Partner’s Pizza Aberdeen Location.  The meeting is free and open to the public.

Before Jeff Galloway became a world class coach and Official Training Consultant for RunDisney, he was a world class distance runner who represented the US in the Munich Olympics, the World Cross Country Championships, and many international events—teaming up with Olympic Gold Medalist Frank Shorter, Steve Prefontaine, Bill Rodgers, and his college roommate and Boston Marathon Champion Amby Burfoot.

Jeff opened the first running specialty store, established Galloway training programs in over 100 cities, and has written 33 books on fitness and nutrition.  Millions have used the Galloway Method through his Training App, weekend retreats, and online coaching.  His method is nicknamed “Jeffing” by tens of thousands of runners around the world.  His mission is to help people improve the quality of their lives through fitness—without injury or exhaustion—past the age of 100.

Prior to the meeting, Jeff will be offering Jeff Galloway’s Master Class from 5-7 PM at the same location.  The class will focus on gaining mastery over exercise to eliminate nausea, exhaustion, pain, and burnout.  The class will include:

  • A one-mile time trial that accurately predicts current potential from 5K to marathon.
  • Three day per week training to almost any goal
  • The run walk run method allows for strong finish–quicker recovery–faster times–no overuse injuries with correct strategy!
  • Nutrition to power workouts and races–without nausea–successful formulas
  • Mental training to stay motivated–strategies and mental training.
  • Running faster without constant aches and pains
  • Extending endurance to avoid hitting “the wall.”
  • Running Form–including fun drills
  • How to structure a great work out and have fun.
  • Jeff’s email address for follow-up questions after the class

You can sign up for the class at

The cost is $69 for club members and $99 for non-members.  More information about the PTC Running Club is available on their website at Home – PTCRC


Jeff also offers the following:

Jeff Galloway Training Hub

Jeff’s Beach Retreat in Blue Mountain Beach FL Aug 18-20

Link for the KP Run Walk & Roll which has a virtual run

Link for the Jeff Barb weekend in March

Link to RunDisney Training Plans