City says Lake Peachtree is now reopened

City worker on Friday removes sign warning against swimming in Lake Peachtree. Photo?Peachtree City Facebook page.
City worker on Friday removes sign warning against swimming in Lake Peachtree. Photo/Peachtree City Facebook page.

You and your pet can now safely dip your feet and paws into Lake Peachtree — the lake has been declared safe to reopen.

“Peachtree City collected eight water samples from various locations in Lake Peachtree to measure potential toxin levels in the water due to the recent algae bloom observed in the lake,” according to a post late Friday afternoon on the city’s FaceBook page.

“All test results were returned on August 25, with no indications that Lake Peachtree is unsafe for recreational use. Therefore, Lake Peachtree is now reopened to the public,” the post says.

“Peachtree City will continue monitoring the water quality of Lake Peachtree and other ponds for potential issues. We encourage the public to report any issues to city officials using the “Report a Problem” tool on #peachtreecity #lakepeachtree,” the ppost says.s


  1. How convenient, declared safe the day before the triathlon. Meantime we have been denied being able to swim in the lake until now. Last summer the lake was polluted with water fowl excrement and nothing was done even after bringing it to the city’s attention. Something is fishy?
    How often has it been tested since it was first closed?