Jessica Whelan announces her candidacy for Tyrone Town Council Post 1

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Jessica Whelan announces her candidacy for Tyrone Town Council Post 1

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Grassroots candidate Jessica Whelan officially qualifies for Tyrone Town Council Post 1.

Jessica is a 14-year resident of Tyrone, a wife, mother, grandmother, former credit union IS manager, and current office manager of husband’s successful residential remodeling company.

Earlier this year Jessica was made aware that Linda Howard had decided not to run again for Tyrone Council, Post 1.

Tyrone Council Post 1 candidate Jessica Whelan. Photo/Submitted.
Tyrone Council Post 1 candidate Jessica Whelan. Photo/Submitted.

Realizing the adage of “all politics is local” is more relevant than ever, Jessica knew she had to run for town council to be a positive influence in the local arena. This was an opportunity to serve that Jessica felt was her duty and calling to fill.

Taxes: At the recent tax increase hearings Jessica spoke in opposition to the increase and asked the town council to consider a partial rollback of the millage rates. “With the increase in home values, a rollback would prevent an increase in property taxes while keeping the property tax income at the same level as the previous year,” said Jessica.

“I felt a rollback of the millage rate was important to the families of Tyrone during this time of economic struggles with rising interest rates and price increases on almost every basic need,” Jessica said.

As a council member Jessica would continue to explore the feasibility of a rollback to the millage rate which would result in a tax savings to town residents.

Public Safety: Jessica strongly believes in supporting our police department with all funding required to maintain the highest level of training, funding all equipment needed, and to compensate each officer very well for their commitment to the safety of our community. Competitive pay will result in the best officers being retained in our community.

At a recent community meeting Jessica said, “It is great to have nice parks, cart paths, restaurants, and activities in our community, but what does that matter if you are not safe in your community to enjoy them?”

She explained, “Tyrone is the gateway to Fayette County and our police officers not only provide a great service to our community but to the entire county.”

Strong advocate for Tyrone: Jessica appreciates the unique small-town values and traditions that Tyrone offers and believes the effects of urban sprawl can be and should be mitigated. “Adherence to our Comprehensive Plan will keep us on track – any variances should be given great consideration. Community input is very helpful for well-planned growth and I would like to see more community involvement in the governance of our town,” said Jessica.

Jessica would consider it a great honor to receive your vote on November 7, 2023. Early voting is from October 16 to November 3. Voters can apply now for an absentee ballot to vote by mail or to deliver in person to the Fayette County Election Office.

Contact Email: [email protected]

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