Guests help Sandy Creek celebrate American Enterprise Day


American Enterprise Day brought restaurant industry veterans to Sandy Creek High to share their business expertise with students.

Devin Waller and Matt Rast from the management and leadership development team with Chick Fil A, and Gant Sowinski, owner of Atlanta Restaurant Group, LLC, visited with students in Angela Hutcherson’s business classes and members of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).

The guest speakers offered an invaluable perspective about future career options. Waller and East also brought free chicken biscuits and gave out their “text to apply number” so that students who are looking for jobs can apply directly and immediately.

Hutcherson’s classes are under the theme this year “America Runs on Business.” In Intro to Business and Technology and Financial Literacy, they have discussed professionalism, job seeking skills, and they are currently in the business communication unit.

“The students got a lot of great first-hand information from the speakers,” said Hutcherson. “The speakers spoke about what they look for in employees, how they started in the business, and much more, which students enjoyed hearing.”

Originally started by President Jimmy Carter in 1980, American Enterprise Day honors the system that comprises the backbone of the United States economy. It is a day that symbolizes the freedoms granted to American citizens under the free enterprise system which is the driving force behind capitalism, and it gives individual Americans the right to make their own economic choices.