Inspiration Everywhere: Bozone brings eye for design to McIntosh

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Inspiration Everywhere: Bozone brings eye for design to McIntosh

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McIntosh High graphic design teacher Lauren Bozone helps her students see a whole new world through design.

Becoming a teacher wasn’t initially in the cards. She went to college planning to be an architect, but there was too much math. Design was a perfect fit, and she did it commercially for many years.

In 2000, she was laid off and looking for a reset. A single mother of 3 children, she wanted to move back home so her parents could help. A private school in Tyrone was hiring for an art teacher and technologist, and she did that for one year. The next year, McIntosh was looking for a graphic design teacher, and she jumped at the opportunity. Two decades later she is still a Chief.

“It was meant to be,” she said. “The stars all aligned for me to do this so I’m gonna give it a shot, and I just fell in love with it.”

She found a home in the family business. She is one of four siblings, three of which are teachers, and her father taught literature at West Point. She spent many hours playing teacher growing up, and her dad was big on highlighting teachable moments.

“In the family there was always this love of learning and teaching.”

Bozone did not have a “why” in the beginning because she never planned on this career, instead, it found her. She gets to expose students to so many disciplines, like design, illustration, and photography. She can help them find a new outlet for their creativity.

“When I see them start to get into it and enjoy it, that’s really cool.”

Not many of the students will go onto a design career, but they will be able to use their skills. It could be in a corporate presentation, but they will be able to make it pop.

“You will be able to use this anywhere you go in everything that you do.”

She loves helping students find a new way to see the world.

“Look around you, it’s everywhere. Everything you see was touched by a designer.”

“The Honor Role,” an official podcast for Fayette County Public Schools, features employees, rotating through key stakeholders, including teachers, staff, nurses, custodians, cafeteria workers, and bus drivers. Join us as we dive in and learn about their journeys, their inspirations, and their whys.

Episodes are available on all major podcast platforms, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and promoted on the social media channels of Fayette County Public Schools.

Episodes will also be available here:

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