Rep. Drew Ferguson not seeking re-election in 2024


WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman Drew Ferguson (GA-03) released the following statement today:

“Upon the conclusion of the 118th Congress, I will be retiring from the House of Representatives. Serving the wonderful constituents of Georgia’s Third District has been the honor of a lifetime. I have been blessed to have worked with such a talented and dedicated staff in my District and D.C. offices.”

Ferguson’s decision leaves an open seat for Congress for the 3rd District, which currently includes Peachtree City and portions of south Fayette County. That may change with the redrawing of voting districts ordered by a federal court.

“Serving on the Ways and Means Committee has allowed me to focus on tax, trade, and healthcare – issues important to American competitiveness on the global stage. I’ve also been proud to advance policies addressing antimicrobial resistance and the battle we are facing with a mental health crisis. I was also honored to serve in House leadership as the Chief Deputy Whip,” Ferguson said.

“Georgia is truly a special place, and it’s calling us home. Julie and I look forward to spending more time with our children and grandchildren while continuing to work to keep Georgia the best state in America to live and do business.”

Congressman Drew Ferguson represents the Third Congressional District of Georgia and serves on the Committee on Ways and Means and the House Budget Committee. On the House Ways and Means Committee, he serves as the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Social Security, and is a member of the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures – also referred to as the Subcommittee on Tax. On the House Budget Committee, he serves on the Health Care Task Force.


  1. This is great news! We have the ability to replace a right-wing rubber stamper with a representative who will do what is best for his/her congressional district instead of doing whatever his party dictates. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a person who can think for him/herself and make judgements about what is best for those represented? If we fail to elect someone who is willing to listen to all points of view and compromise when it can help us here in Georgia, it will be our fault.

    • Fiction, your extreme partisan ship is showing again, or perhaps you are just spending too much time listening to MSM rather than bother researching something for yourself.

      The Propublica website allows you to compare voting records head-to-head against other members of congress. Facts are stranger than your biased fiction. Comparing Drew Fergusons voting record with the head Republican (Kevin McCarthy for the 117th congress, 63 times out of 947 votes did the two fail to agree, giving Drew Ferguson, giving him a 7% dissenting ratio.

      Comparing David Scott, the other Congressman representing Fayette county, who dissented only 1% of the time with House Majority Leader Steny H Hoyer (a total of 10 dissenting votes). As for the Rest of the Georgia Democrats, Lucy McBath had 11 dissenting votes, Sanford Bishop only 7, Hank Johnson 12, and Nikema Williams (the most independent of the lot) had 20 dissenting votes with the Democrat house leader. It seems Drew dissented more times with Republican House leadership, than the entire Georgia Democratic Delegation did with their party leadership all together (60 times in total).

      If you are looking for someone who can thinks for themselves and not what the party dictates, you sure as snuff not going to find it in the Georgia Democrat delegation.

      • Lulu – I hope you are doing well and are enjoying a fine Christmas season.

        I think you misread my post. I am not suggesting that Democrats are better than Republicans. I don’t care what party our new representative comes from as long as he or she will represent us, the constituents, instead of a national party. I assume that a voting record that deviates from the party 50% of the time would probably be most beneficial for “We the people.”

        Remember that George Washington wisely warned against parties (factions). and his cautions were so very prescient.

        • Thank you STF for your warm tidings as we prepare for Christmas, I’m doing fine, and hope you are equally as well, and enjoying the season.

          No, you didn’t suggest anything, you just threw it out there to let it stick through inference instead. By your use of the partisan label “right-wing” you changed the focus from Furguson to a partisan issue. Then, by labeling someone a “rubber-stamper” in a derogatory context, while ignoring his “left-wing” peers, which were 3 to 9 times more likely to rubber stamp the party line, speaks plainly and loudly.

          As for Furguson, I applaud him because he honored his commitment to a voluntary term limit, now if David Scott only saw the wisdom in that, I would be overjoyed.

          • That might be the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time….David Scott seeing wisdom in term limits……talk about a poster child for what’s wrong with our government system and a complete lack of voters to hold someone accountable…….sheesh…..he’s the worst.

    • Fiction – you should consult The Google once in a while. Facts might even make you jolly for Christmas.

      Drew Ferguson voted with the Biden position 11.4% of the time, which seems high to me given the shenanigans playing out in DC (

      By contrast, 155 House Democrats voted 100% with Biden, most others 98-99% of the time. The notable “free-thinkers” amongst the House Democrats are socialist “Squad” members who favor far far left policies, and even they agreed with the party line over 90% of the time.

      That’s far from your own 50% standard. The best we can hope for to replace Rep Ferguson is someone with common sense, knowledge of The Constitution and a backbone.

      • Merry Christmas to you Penny. I will repeat that I am not advocating for a representative of either political party to replace Mr. Ferguson. I am advocating for a congressperson who will represent us, the constituents, rather than either party. Mr. Ferguson chose to vote with his party the vast majority of the time, and many others do the same. There is no real difference between voting with your party 89% of the time or 99% of the time; both demonstrate little independence.

        Just because most others think it inevitable that their representative be a party rubber-stamper, we voters in the 3rd district can do much better. I join you in hoping we can elect someone with common sense, knowledge of the Constitution, and backbone as well as someone beholden only to his/her constituents.

        Again, warm holiday greetings to you and all of the regulars here on The Citizen blog.

      • C’mon Two Cents. It’s plain as the nose on your face that St. Fiction is the most non-partisan poster on this blog. If you ever get the sense that he might be only slinging to one side of the fence – then what is ya? Ignarit?