New council members to take office Thursday night in Peachtree City and Tyrone

City Hall Sign

The councils of Peachtree City and Tyrone meet this coming Thursday night and one of the first orders of business will be to swear in newly elected members.

In Peachtree City, new Post 1 Council member Laura Johnson and new Post 2 member Suzanne Brown are scheduled to takes their oaths of office at the 6:30 p.m. meeting.

Following that, Mayor Kim Learnard will deliver her state of the city address.

Also on tap that night is the announcement of the city’s 65 anniversary, which will be celebrated this year.

After normal housekeeping items on the consent agenda, the council will hear the first reading of a change to the city’s solid waste management ordinance to enable better enforcement of the time periods during wich trash pickup is prohibited.

“This revision aims to enhance clarity and facilitate more effective enforcement of the ordinance by providing a more precise definition of the permissible locations for waste collection activities during the specified hours,” the council’s information packet says. Trash trucks are banned from picking up trash between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. from any industrial or commercial areas that abut residential areas.

Also to be decided are two variance requests for a residence on Pine Circle and an industrial lot on Dividend Drive.

In Tyrone’s 7 p.m. meeting, Mayor Eric Dial is scheduled to deliver his state of the town address. Also the council will appoint the mayor pro tem, the council person who fills in when the mayor is absent.

New members Jessica Whelan (Post 1) and Dia Hunter (Post 2) will join the council.

Fayetteville will be swearing in returning members later this month: Mayor Ed Johnson and council members Darryl Langford (Post 1) and Joe Clark (Post 2).

Fayetteville City Council’s next scheduled meeting is Jan. 18.

Below are the official agendas for Peachtree City and Tyrone.