McIntosh athletics gives back

Front Row (L to R): Jayla Jackson, Francie Elwell, Lana Spraley, Cheyenne Jaucian Top Row (L to R): Brian Nixon (parent) Will Nixon, Andrew Eisele, Andrew Fox, Nikhil Chikhliker, athletic director Leon Hammond, Kendall Davis, Landon Clisham

The Chiefs helped make the holidays brighter for families in need. The McIntosh High Athletic Advisory Committee partnered with The i58 Mission to collect 853 pounds.

Athletic director Leon Hammond picked the partnership as a service effort where students can see the direct impact they could make on their community with all of the items in front of them.

“Our goal is to always be of service to families and stakeholders in our community,” said Hammond. “I wanted students to gain the experience of being of service to others and help those in need for a worthwhile cause. In addition we also wanted to go beyond just accepting donations, it was our goal to get in there and do the actual work and help the mission prepare the bags for families.”