Remembering a secret battle, secret losses

Soldiers of the 101st Airborne in secret battle. Photo/Ed Sherwood.
Soldiers of the 101st Airborne in secret battle. Photo/Ed Sherwood.

A brief message on the Atlanta Braves Game Day Message Board will be displayed Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, during the the game with the Washington Nationals. The Braves sign board is located over the visiting team bull pen and is limited to 75 characters.

The message reads: “In Memory — The 101st Airborne’s Battle at Tam Ky — May 1969 – 127 KIA.“

To read more: My 2022 article for Vietnam Magazine, “Turning Point at Tam Ky: The 101st Airborne’s Hidden Battle at Tam Ky” honors those who fought and especially those who died (see link below). The attached photo shows CPT Leland Roy (center) who led Delta Company, 1-501st Infantry in achieving the 101st Airborne’s decisive victory at Tam Ky.

If you would like to join in honoring these brave soldiers and their sacrifice, please consider sharing my Facebook post or this email.

May 2024 marks the fifty-fifth anniversary of the Battle of Tam Ky. It was classified SECRET and never disclosed to the American public.

The actual battle records were declassified twenty years after the Vietnam War and quietly placed in our National Archives. I found them based on a tip from a fellow Soldier and decided to write “Courage Under Fire: The 101st Airborne’s Hidden Battle at Tam Ky.”

On behalf of the men about whom I wrote, I am delighted my book has been well received and widely recognized. It was a labor of love. More information on the Battle at Tam Ky and my book is available at this website —

Ed Sherwood