Fayette-Starr’s Mill DAR recognizes Peachtree City school nurses


Ladies from the Fayette-Starr’s Mill Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution presented school nurses at each of the Peachtree City public schools with a pin and certificate during the month of April in recognition of the 126th Anniversary of the DAR Hospital Corps.

At the onset of the Spanish-American War in April 1898, the United States Surgeon General requested and promptly received congressional authority to appoint women nurses under contract. Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee, VP NSDAR, was placed in charge of selecting DAR to function as an application review board for military nursing services.

Thus, the DAR Hospital Corps was founded, with Dr. McGee as its director. The DAR Hospital Corps certified 1,081 nurses for service during the Spanish-American War. She also wrote the section of the Army Reorganization Act legislation pertaining to nursing and is now known as the founder of the Army Nurse Corps.

School nurses play a vital role to ensure the well-being of students by offering immediate medical attention, administering medications, and managing chronic conditions. Their dedication and expertise contribute to the overall success of students in schools. We should all take the time to thank our school nurses!

School nurses recognized in April included:

Erin Knapp – Braelinn Elementary

Ginger Allum – Crabapple Lane Elementary

Jeff Yeater – Huddleston Elementary

Diani Harper – Kedron Elementary

Amber Causey – Oak Grove Elementary

Lendy Davidson – Peachtree City Elementary

Lyndsay Rein – Peeples Elementary

Olivia Gilliam – JC Booth Middle School

Jaime Clary – Rising Starr Middle School

Jane Herrera – McIntosh High School

Jenna Lawlor – Starr’s Mill High School