DA Fani Willis’ daughter pulled over for traffic offense in Tyrone


The daughter of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis was arrested in Tyrone last month for allegedly driving with a suspended license, according to news reports.

Kinaya Willis, 25, was pulled over in Tyrone on Aug. 24 for driving while using a cellphone when police discovered she also had a revoked license, news reports said..

The Texas Southern University student, whose mom is leading the prosecution of former President Donald Trump’s 2020 Georgia election interference case, is reportedly pregnant.

She told an officer that she had been using her cellphone “due to her mother calling her related to her pregnancy,” the reports said.

Kinaya claimed she was “unaware” that her license had been revoked since May 13, also for allegedly driving while it was suspended.

“Willis’s mother later arrived on scene to take possession of her vehicle,” the report states.

Kinaya was booked at the Fayette County Jail on a misdemeanor charge of driving with a revoked or suspended license.

Kinaya has an Oct. 24 arraignment scheduled in the Tyrone Municipal Court and faces a minimum of two days in jail, a $500 fine and a six-month extension of the suspension if convicted, according to reports.


  1. I’m sorry that this young lady broke the law, but I am very glad that the consequences are not adjusted to offenders because of thier status or connections. Georgians should be proud of our prosecutors who don’t give high-profile offenders a pass merely because of their status.

    • Mr. H. – You’ve got to laugh because this is surreal. Instead of backing a prosecutor, the law and order conservatives are backing a convicted felon who also has been adjudicated in civil courts to have defamed a woman he sexually assaulted as well as perpetrated real estate fraud. These civil cases have come with verdicts of over $400 million. Then the typically fiscal conservative party is backing a candidate who has declared bankruptcy 6 times so he wouldn’t have to pay his debts. And his main campaign theme is keeping evil doers out of the country when he is a major league evil doer.

      We may both have to hold our noses when we vote on election day, but some stenches are too strong to ward off.

      Enjoy your weekend!

      • Thanks Stranger, for the cordial wishes for my weekend…every day is a weekend for me because my parents taught me thrift as a child.
        I gotta go with the Orange man.

        Harris was part of the many big lies, and her empty pants suit will be stuffed like a scare crow with the money grifted by Pelosi, Shumer, Obama, the military industrial complex, drug cartels and China.
        I agree that our choices are “odious”…the worst in my lifetime and will be pivotal for our country…maybe even leading us to war of unimagined magnitude.
        Then none of our cute and snarky opinions will matter.

        • Hi Vic. I hope you weather the hurricane safely tomorrow and Friday.

          Not to argue, but rather to understand. You are very much a law and order guy, yet you will vote for 45. Is that because you don’t believe he’s guilty of the civil and criminal verdicts, because you believe he is guilt, but don’t see it as a big deal, or that you know he is guilty, but the Harris alternative is a bridge too far? Is there another reason that his convictions don’t dissuade you?

          I’ve asked this question to several 45 enthusiasts, and I can’t get any straight answer, just a diatribe against Harris. The regulars on this blog like Penny, Lulu, Kitty, etc. only parrot what they heard on Fox the night before, so they merely believe whatever Sean Hannity tells them to believe.

          Of course, you owe me no answer, but I am curious, and you are usually very straightforward in your comments.

          • Stranger, we have two flawed choices. Here is my short take on both:

            Trump has been legally hounded for the past few years in the most outrageous ways, while Harris has existed in a bubble with a mentally declining “Biden the Grifter”, protected and insulated from any consequences of her actions or inaction by a majority of the press.
            True that trump has got a conviction after many millions of tax money spent over years in multiple courts, Stalin’s henchman, Lavrentiy Beria, is quoted as saying, “Show Me the Man and I’ll Find You the Crime”. Apparently, there are scores of DOJ and local DA’s that live by this motto as they have pursued Trump. I doubt that you or I could survive the same vilifying critical examination

            Harris tries to appear politically astute until you drill down on her policy…other than her leftist CA DA policy there is none older than August 6, 2024. When asked about policy she at best presents a weak incomprehensible response and often is condescending or becomes irritated…her aids say it’s not necessary for us to actually know much and to please consult her website.
            Trump is always out front on policy at scores of pressers and public appearances…while Harris is managed by handlers to minimize her exposure, and she parrots Trumps best thoughts…while trying to run out the clock.
            I think she will eat anything and drink anything served up by the worst actors in the Democratic party and try to appease China, Iran, N, Korea and Russia…please read “The Last Lion- Winston Spencer Churchill – Alone 1932-1940” by William Manchester…about how weak leaders make weak nations that embolden those that would destroy us from within and externally…leading to unimaginable conflict.

            Trump is not ideal, but there is no other I can choose. Like it or not he will be direct with our enemies and bring down the chances of conflict. Working with the Congress and Senate (if majority republican) is vital to fight the extreme left that is disassembling our nation and culture and bring us back into balance.

          • Penny and Vic – Thank you for responding. So, if I understand you, it is not that 45 didn’t commit crimes and civil disruptions, but rather that they seem trivial to you since he was unduly prosecuted. Thank you for the clarification.

            I hope you cope well with the winds and rain this weekend.

          • Stranger,
            Foot note to your last comments on my comments, etc….
            I was involved in an aspect of real-estate for a couple of decades and one of the judgements for property valuation is bogus…I can give you a tutorial anytime on property valuations and how it really works.
            Everything else was brought by rogue DA’s in Dem cities were no change of venue was allowed.

          • Again, thank you for your clarifications. It is hard for a Fox-world outsider to understand how 45 gets so many passes, but I appreciate you giving me your explanation.

            I’m so glad that we live in a country in which we can have open discussions of political issues. Stay safe.

          • Thank you for your clarifications. It is difficult for those of us not in Fox-World to understand how 45 continually gets passes for what we see as blatant misbehavior, so your explanations are illuminating.

            It is so grand that we live in a country that allows open political discussions such as these. Stay safe.

        • Stranger – You are a one-note piano. I’ve explained this to you before, yet you continue to mislead others and will not answer any question about your blind support for Harris, only “Trump is bad”.

          As I’ve said previously in these comments, we are hiring someone to do one of the most difficult jobs in the world. It is not a place to elect a “good vibes, sunshine and rainbows” candidate who avoids direct answers (like you) and thinks a nebulous word salad satisfies voters’ need to know what, if anything, she will do differently than the disastrous last 4 years.

          I will vote for Trump not because I like the guy, but because we know his policies work. Again, tell me what Harris has done that has made us all better off in the last 4 years. You won’t because you can’t.

          And if you base your vote on the lawfare waged by Democrats, then you haven’t been paying attention. No one not named Donald Trump and running for President would have been indicted on such flimsy grounds.

          In the civil matter, New York changed the law to allow the E Jean Carroll lawsuit by opening a one-time six-month window to file a civil sexual assault case — no matter when the assault took place, even if it’s way outside the statute of limitations.

          The one “conviction” for mislabeling an internal business account has never been prosecuted before – EVER. It’s a misdemeanor that was turned into a felony with legal gymnastics that will be overturned on appeal.

          Among a score of reversible errors and bias, the judge allowed the trial to proceed to closing arguments before the prosecution finalized the charges – – AFTER the defense had rested – – which is a clear Sixth Amendment violation. The other criminal cases have already blown up and will go nowhere.

          Like the “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax and Hunter Biden’s laptop cover-up, time is showing the depth of the deception by Democrats in using the Department of Justice and the legal system to target Trump. They don’t care whether he is actually convicted: the process is the punishment.

          And it gives a talking point to those who cannot form a fact-based, logical argument FOR the unprepared Harris, whose policies will be the most socialist ever if elected. I’m voting for Trump’s economic, energy, tough on crime, legal immigration and foreign policy agenda. What are you voting for?

          • Hi My.02
            I replied to Strangers request for my thoughts as to why I am voting Trump, without reading your comments first.
            It’s remarkable how I said what you say in only a slightly different way.
            I hope many more people hold their nose and vote Trump, because it really is a pivotal moment in history that America might not recover from if Harris becomes president.

          • Vics – indeed, we have the same insights into the constant barrage of Trump hate, almost 10 years of it now. I feel for people like Stranger, who has so thoroughly swallowed the “Trump is bad” theme that he cannot even say what Harris stands for.

            So I’ll help him out. Here are some of the policies Harris has backed in the last 5 years, which are what we should expect out of a Harris administration. In no particular order, Harris’s policies include:
            • Open border immigration, abolish ICE, don’t build barriers
            • Abolish private healthcare
            • Big government price controls on groceries
            • Defund the police, get rid of bail
            • Taxpayer-paid sex changes
            • Pack (expand) the Supreme Court
            • Get rid of the filibuster in the Senate
            • Sponsored the Green New Deal climate spending boondoggle
            • Gun confiscation (she’s a gun owner who’ll shoot an intruder?)
            • Taxpayer funding of others’ student loans, housing, etc
            • Abortion “rights” up to moment of birth, nation-wide
            • Supports Hamas terrorists over our long-time ally Israel
            • Bidenomics: huge government spending behind recent inflation
            • Anti-fracking or regulate oil / gas to death
            • Decriminalization of prostitution
            • DEI – government-forced discrimination and equal outcomes
            • Reparations
            • Electric vehicle mandates
            • Tax hikes on most Americans by not renewing Trump tax cuts
            • Large tax hikes on businesses, which get passed to consumers

            There have been no foreign policy “wins” under Biden / Harris. Instead, we got the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, Russia / Ukraine, rebound of Iran, rise of China, and the abandonment of Israel by trying to appease adversaries.

            Neither candidate has addressed the debt crisis of the federal government to my liking, but at least Trump wants to cut spending and agencies while Harris plans to increase taxes and spend even more.

            We really don’t know if Harris has changed her view (ie flip-flopped) on any of these, since she made it clear that “her values haven’t changed”. Plus she is still hiding from difficult interviews and hasn’t done a single press conference, so we don’t know whether she’s as empty of a suit as Biden, or is just lying to us for votes.

          • Penny – We certainly agree on one thing. I would never vote for the orange guy regardless of his policies. Unlike you, I believe that he is characterologically unfit for even the most insignificant leadership position. I have voted for many Republicans in the past, but I can’t think of a scenario in which I would ever vote for a MAGA-tainted politician.

            Unlike you, I see authoritarian leaders as much more dangerous to our Constitutional government than leaders who merely have policies with which I disagree.

            You see it differently, and if, god forbid, 45 wins, I will hope that you are accurate. 250 years later, I’m still concerned about Benjamin Franklin’s caution about keeping our Republic.

            Have a nice weekend now that Helene has left us.

          • The authoritarians I see currently occupy the executive offices. They forced vaccine mandates on us violating the autonomy over one’s own body.

            This administration has attempted to establish politically controlled disinformation bureau to silence opposition and control free speech.

            Used the powers of the executive office to persuade the operators of the public square to squelch voices in opposition of their administration and its policies. This administration weaponized the DOJ enlisting it to investigate, prosecute, harass and jail its political enemies. The current administration has made a mockery of the constitution. After democrats spent 4 years of Trump’s term attempting to remove him from power, this administration spent another 4 years trying to prevent him from running again. They have given new meaning to “Trumped Up Charges”.