EJ hits a home run with first published book

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EJ hits a home run with first published book

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EJ Sitler got the chance to publish his first book, and he hit it out of the park. EJ, a student at Peachtree City Elementary, turned a virtual school assignment into a hard copy of his story, “My Home Run Life.”

Last school year EJ attended school virtually with Taylor Childs’s Inman Elementary class. The class participated in Share Your Story, an 8-week program though Stan Tucker’s Leap Through Literacy, where they learned about the steps in the writing process and worked on creating their own book. At the end of the program, EJ submitted his story, and it was chosen to be published with artwork by a professional illustrator.

He didn’t need to look far for inspiration for his story.

“My favorite sport to play is baseball. My dad used to play baseball in high school, so I really like practicing with him,” said EJ, who is a big Philadelphia Phillies fan. “When I was writing my book I wanted to write a story about baseball and getting a home run.”

It was a surreal moment when he got his first hard copy of “My Home Run Life” in his hands, delivered by Stan Tucker.

“I was so excited! Mr. Tucker came to my house and delivered my book,” EJ remembered. “He is an author, too, and gave me some tips on how to get my book into the hands of others to enjoy.”

EJ is just getting starting, too.

“I would love to write another book someday,” he said. “I might write another one about playing basketball since I love playing basketball, too.”

When he writes that next story, it’s sure to be a slam dunk!


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