No county money goes for Senior Center operations


A letter to the editor in The Citizen entitled “This is how Fayette government works?” implies a number of observations, few of which come even close to being correct.

One in particular that I take issue with is the implication that the county commissioners financially support the Fayette Senior Center.

No so. The funds the county gives is for social services only, i.e., Meals on Wheels or transportation.

The senior center must raise its own funds for the upkeep of the building, utilities and any salaries paid. The total support from the county only comes to about 12 percent of the total budget for the senior center.

The writer was obviously angry over several nonexistent county issues which have pretty much proved to be fruitless. What a waste of time.

A 46-year resident of Fayetteville,

Carolyn Cary

Fayetteville, Ga.