Coweta voters to decide on Sunday alcohol sales


The ability to have a glass of wine with dinner on Sunday or to purchase a six-pack on Sunday afternoon in unincorporated Coweta County is an idea whose time might have come. The Coweta County Commission on March 20 agreed to have those questions included on the July 31 ballot.

The unanimous vote to include Sunday package sales and consumption on the premises came after a brief discussion during which commissioners said voters should be the ones to make the decision on the issue.

“I’ve struggled with this. I’m against Sunday sales, people have six other days to make purchases. But it’s important to allow the citizens to vote on it,” said Commissioner Tim Lassetter.

Commissioner Paul Poole agreed, saying that voters should be the ones to determine the outcome of the issue.

Also sounding off was Commissioner Bob Blackburn.

“I’m not particularly in favor of it but the voters right to vote on it supersedes my opinion,” Blackburn said. “With the surrounding areas already doing it the cat is already out of the bag.”

Commissioner Al Smith followed that line of reasoning, noting that residents can make package purchases or have a drink with a meal on Sundays in businesses located in the city but not in the county.

“The voters need to choose,” Smith said. “It’s the right thing to do.”

The referendum will be on the July 31 ballot.