Learning never stops for Fayette County Public Schools teachers, leading them to Georgia Tech to prepare to teach mini-classes on computer science.
Fayette is one of just 8 counties teaming up with Georgia Tech, specifically the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) and the Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC), on a pilot program to expand access to computer science topics and provide resources and expertise to teachers.
All five high schools, along with Rising Starr Middle, are participating. The teachers are working with GTRI to embed mini-classes on computer science into their spring semester classes. Instructors chose from a variety of topics including intro to coding using robotics, advanced coding to create music, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and using sensors and data visualization.
The mini-classes feature one week of joint teaching with Georgia Tech staff and one week where students put their knowledge to work on a specific project.