Exemplary English Learner Student, Teacher honored

Starr's Mill High senior Miho Kimura is the Exemplary English Learner Student and J.C. Booth Middle’s Laurie Dietz the Exemplary EL Teacher for 2023

Starr’s Mill High senior Miho Kimura and J.C. Booth Middle teacher Laurie Dietz have been recognized for their work in the English Learner program.

Each year, the Georgia Department of Education Language program, in collaboration with the statewide English Language Advisory Committee, recognizes one exemplary high school senior English Learner (EL) and one exemplary teacher of English Learners from each school. Kimura is the Exemplary English Learner Student, and Dietz is the Exemplary EL Teacher.

Miho entered U.S. schools at Starr’s Mill High School as a junior. She immediately became active in everything she could. At Starr’s Mill she was in the Color Guard and was secretary of the Japanese club. She gives her time volunteering weekly as a Japanese liaison between Japanese and American students for Glow Youth at her church and is involved weekly in Glow Girls Teen Talk. Her English is impeccable after less than two years.

Dietz is dedicated to assisting English Learners to achieve language acquisition in all academic areas. She builds lasting relationships and goes above and beyond to support families, teachers, and students. She is innovative, and caring and takes pride in being an advocate for necessary measures that contribute to breaking down barriers for students learning English while obtaining high academic success.

Both the student and the teacher will receive a certificate signed by State School Superintendent Richard Woods.