Cleveland Elem. community partners for playground refresh

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Cleveland Elem. community partners for playground refresh

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Thanks to the generosity of community partners and family volunteers, the playground at Cleveland Elementary will be more accessible for all Crocodiles.

Chrissy O’Neal, Cleveland’s Title I Parent Liaison, applied for a Georgia Power Grant last May, and they were awarded $10,000 to make the school’s playground more inclusive for their special needs and pre-school population. The school’s PTO funded the remainder of the cost to help purchase two chalkboard benches and a sensory wall, making playtime more accessible for everyone.

On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, more than 40 people came to the school to serve on the building projects and clean up the playgrounds. Volunteers from Georgia Power also chipped in to help with the installation.

O’Neal was proud to see so many join in to help.

“We wanted to invite our families so that they too could see that MLK Day is not supposed to be a day off, but a day ON — full of service.”

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