Burch teachers and students aiming for ‘summer success’

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Burch teachers and students aiming for ‘summer success’

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Robert J. Burch Elementary, in connection with PTO, Partners in Education, parents, teachers, students and their Title I support program, held their first annual “Summer Success” event recently. The evening included academic presentations in the classrooms and tours through the parent resource center. Local businesses were on hand as well as demonstrations of educational games, healthy snacks, and summer safety information. The celebration ended with a school/community picnic and drawing for an iPAD, donated by The Mooving Cafe and Way of Life Church. State Representative Virgil Fludd presented the school with a House Resolution for Academic Achievement. Pictured are (L-R) Toby Black, assistant principal, Sharon Walters, principal, Dr. Lisa Gonzalez, Title I contact. Photo/Special.

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