Vacation Bible School 060612


National Heights VBS, June 10-13
National Heights Baptist Church will present Vacation Bible School for all ages (nursery-adults) Sunday-Wednesday, June 10-13, from 6-8 p.m. at the church. A special dinner and performance will be held on Wednesday night. The children will participate in “Rocky Point Lighthouse learning to shine God’s light” while the adults participate in a workshop on “Listening to God through your Dreams.” Register online at or call the church office, 770-461-1704.

Tyrone First Christian VBS, June 10-15
The First Christian Church of Tyrone will have Vacation Bible School June 10 through June 15 with the theme “The Sky — Everything Is Possible With God.”Events will kick off with a carnival on June 10 from 4 through 6 p.m. First Christian is at 294 Jenkins Road. For more information call the office at 770-969-7346.

Woolsey’s Baptist VBS, June 11-15
Take flight with “Amazing Wonders Aviation” VBS at Woolsey Baptist Church June 11-15 from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Children ages 4 years through sixth grade completed are eligible. Register online by visiting and clicking on the VBS link.

Providence VBS, June 11-15
Providence United Methodist Church in Fayetteville invites children to experience a “Cool, Cool Summer” at SonRise National Park Vacation Bible School, Monday, June 11 through Friday, June 15 from 9 a.m. to noon. VBS is open to kids who are entering kindergarten through fifth grade in the fall. Registration forms are available online at or in the children’s lobby or main lobby of the church. Fill out the form and return it to the church or mail it to PUMC, 592 Bernhard Road, Fayetteville, GA 30215. For more information email [email protected] or call 770-719-8800.

PTC Presbyterian VBS, June 18-22
First Presbyterian Church of Peachtree City invites children entering kindergarten through sixth grade to attend “SonRise National Park VBS” June 18-22, from 9 a.m. until noon. For more information e-mail [email protected]. Register by visiting the church website:, clicking the VBS2012 link from the “ministries” menu on the home page. A registration form can be downloaded and returned to 206 Willowbend Road, Peachtree City, GA 30269.

Christ the King VBS, June 18-22
Christ the King Charismatic Episcopal Church in Sharpsburg will have an evening Vacation Bible School June 18-22 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The theme this year is “Gospel Light’s Sonrise National Park.” Community children ages 3-12 are welcome to attend and be a part of the “wilderness” experience. There is no fee. The church is at 4881 Ga. Hwy. 34 East, Sharpsburg. To register call 770-252-2428.

Heritage Christian VBS, June 25-29
Heritage Christian Church in Fayetteville invites children to “Sky: Everything is Possible with God” Vacation Bible School, Monday, June 25-Friday, June 29 from 8:45 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. VBS is open to kids who have completed kindergarten through fifth grade. The cost is $10 per child. Registration forms are available online at, and at both buildings on campus. For more information, email [email protected] or call the church, 770-716-5768, ext. 323. Heritage Christian is in south Fayetteville, at the corner of Redwine Road and Peachtree Parkway.