Voters seeking more information on candidates for the upcoming July election should mark Tuesday, June 26 on their calendar.
That’s when the Rotary Club of Peachtree City will host its “Meet and Greet the Candidates” event at the Wyndham Peachtree Conference Center from 7-9 p.m.
Candidates who have opposition in the July 31 primary election will be invited to speak briefly about themselves and their platform. Afterward, there will be time for the public to visit the candidates in an open face-to-face conversation.
Candidates without opposition will be invited to attend so they can be recognized, and they also can visit with the public informally following the presentations.
Candidates invited to the forum include those seeking election to the county commission, the county school board and candidates for the Georgia legislature, judges of probate, state and superior courts, tax commissioner, sheriff, superior court clerk, district attorney and U.S. Congress.
The event is being presented by the Rotary Club’s “Get Out the Vote Committee.” For more information, contact Frances Meaders at 770-487-7799 or [email protected] or Jeff Truitt at 678-687-3367 or [email protected].