Fayette Presbyterian Church (FPC) held its annual Vacation Bible School during the week of June 4-8.
The curriculum used was Cokesbury’s “Operation Overboard: Dare to Care “VBS curriculum which provided for the children to “dive in and discover God’s underwater universe.”
“The kids journeyed miles below the ‘water’s surface’ into God’s Word to find what true faith is all about,” a spokesperson said.
The VBS had 30-35 children daily with 11 FPC youth volunteers and 15 FPC adult volunteers. The children were on a rotation schedule where they would rotate through different classes (depths of the Word) and learn the Bible lessons through Bible story, crafts, snacks, games and music. The children visited “Ocho” the octopus and sang and danced with all their friends. VBS ended the week with the children’s parents coming to watch them perform various songs and dances they had learned during the week.
“Operation Overboard led the children to a deeper, spiritual faith in God,” the spokesperson said.
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