What’s up with extending superintendent’s contract?


Did you hear that the Board of Education’s budget was approved and Jeff Bearden’s contract was extended to June 30, 2015 at the Monday June 18 meeting?

I wonder if School Superintendent Beaden didn’t want to gamble on a new board kicking him out for his leadership failure and got his pals, Smola, Smith and Presberg, to lead a charge to approve his contract extension.

The contract renewal vote was ultimately 5-0 (Key didn’t want to go along with it but Presberg chided her into it) and the budget was approved 3-2 with Todd and Key voting against it.

The Board should have ordered Bearden to go back and come up with a budget where spending and revenue were in balance but they chose to kick the can down the road in a 3-2 vote.

Terri Smith has got to be defeated! She and her pal Smola who is leaving should be held accountable for the mess we find ourselves in. See 4/24/12 Citizen article:http://www.thecitizen.com/articles/04-24-2012/school-board-members-smola-smith-blame-school-mess

The $177 million budget calls for essentially eliminating the $15 million “rainy-day” fund balance leaving only $800K for emergencies. And you can bet you last dollar, with the Comptroller’s, (Laura Brock), utterly ridiculous monthly financial forecasts, we are certain to have some unforeseen emergencies!

We have an important decision to make next month in which we choose to represent us on the Board of Education. Did you know that over 2/3 of your Fayette County tax dollars go to support our school system? We need to make sure that our money is spent wisely.

In my opinion, three candidates stand out among the individuals running for office: Marion Key, Dr. Barry Marchman and Dr. Mary Kay Ballallao. Each of these individuals has extensive educator experience.

Marion Key has served well on the Board for several years and her experience as an educator and as a seasoned Board member will continue to serve our interests.

Dr. Marchman PhD has a degree in finance and teaches finance at Georgia Tech. Dr. Marchman is unequally qualified to tackle the enormous financial problems that will be visited upon us very soon. His website is: http://www.barrymarchman.com/

Dr. Mary K. Bacallao EdD has a degree in education from Florida Atlantic University and is a professor of education in the Tiff College of Education at Mercer University. Her website is: http://marykaybacallao.jimdo.com/

Please join me in voting for these three extremely qualified individuals.

The time has come to get engaged, go to meetings, get informed, and demand answers, and vote in the July 31, 2012election! The deadline for voter registration is July 2, 2012 and advanced early voting begins July 9, 2012.

Jim Richter
Peachtree City, Ga.