Any business development in Fayette County has been few and far between since the recession took hold. But in Tyrone Thursday night the Town Council approved a rezoning request for 5.75 acres on Palmetto Road to change the zoning from residential to commercial for use as a plumbing and electrical business. The adjacent property to the south includes a small strip center near Senoia Road that carries the same zoning category.
The rezoning request pertained to 5.75 acres at 142 Palmetto Road owner by Frank Villella, who originally asked that the property be rezoned C-2 (Highway Commercial) but at the meeting asked for a less intense C-1 designation. Zoned R-12 residential, the property located at 142 Palmetto Road is the site of an abandoned house, though the majority of 5.75-acre property acreage is situated behind the businesses adjacent to the south side of the property that are currently zoned C-1.
Villella’s letter of intent stated the desire to erect a 10,000 square-foot building on the property for his mechanical and plumbing business. Future plans call for the potential of constructing one or more additional buildings on the property, the letter said.
Town staff recommended denial of the C-2 request, since that zoning classification is the town’s most intensive use of commercial zoning. But the change to the less intense C-1 commercial zoning met the the council’s approval and resulted in a unanimous vote. The property is located in the Main Street district for which C-1 zoning is approved.
Villella’s company, which will be relocated, is currently located in the Shamrock Industrial Park.
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