Article in the Fayette County News


    Pat & Geneva,

    Take Back Fayette County-Committee (PAC) reports to the voters independently and provides accurate information. Everything we claim in our flyer is the TRUTH and we have backup to PROVE. As can be expected, THE TRUTH can hurt.

    It’s clear Mayor Dan Langford wants to go back to the “good old boy” days when voters were kept in the dark on the activities of their local elected officials.

    Unfortunately, Mayor Langford did not disclose to the public the fact that the landowner and developer he is attempting to shield is on the board of directors of his employer.

    He also did not disclose that he and Jack Smith are very close buddies. Mayor Langford also supports candidates and incumbents who were opposed in our flyer.

    Some in the community believe it’s important to let the voters know that certain officials vote to keep mass transit projects plans for Fayette County and a local commissioner was arrested for possession of marijuana while in office, as well as a landowner developer who benefits from a road to nowhere like the West Fayetteville Bypass is supporting a candidate (and former commission chairman) responsible for wasting our precious tax dollars on the wasteful project.

    The First Amendment is part of the foundation of our nation’s success. The more you learn about political candidates, the more you are able to lmake an informed decision. Keeping people in the dark as Mayor Langford desires is not the answer.

    Mayor Langford is speaking out against us just like we are publicly opposing many of the candidates and incumbents he supports.

    We can take the heat on presenting the TRUE FACTS to the voters. Informed voters cast informed votes.

    Harold Bost
    Fayetteville, Ga.