Planners to take second look at Hwy. 74S annexing

A proposal to annex a 77-acre lot to build a 90-home subdivision and two office buildings will be up for discussion at a special called meeting of the Peachtree City Planning Commission Monday night (Sept. 24).

The parcel, currently a part of unincorporated Fayette County is located on Ga. Highway 74 south at the intersection with Redwine Road, directly adjacent to the Meade sports fields.

The commission is charged with making a recommendation on the proposal, as the final say on the annexation rests with the City Council.

The commission tabled its vote earlier this month, citing a need for more information from the developer, Southern Pines Plantation.

The property is currently zoned by Fayette County for a mix of of office and commercial uses totaling over 175,000 sq. ft.

SPP wants the annexation in part to allow access to the city’s sewer system. SPP has proposed developing a 200-foot buffer around the entire property line to prevent the sewer from being accessed by existing and future developments to the south via a state law that requires sewer systems to link to new developments built within that distance of a given sewer line.

SPP wants to build a road to link with the current traffic light at Redwine Road, featuring two medical-type office buildings on either side in addition to up to 90 homes.

The site is bordered on one side by the Meade recreation complex and on the other by Starr’s Mill Academy day care center and the Brechin Park subdivision, both of which are located in unincorporated Fayette County.

SPP is proposing for the homes to be priced in the $350,000 range with no mass grading in an effort to preserve vegetation on individual lots.

SPP is working on building a cart path connection to a new tunnel underneath the highway that is near the RiteAid store. Commissioners also expressed concern about the handling of an at-grade cart crossing across Rockaway Road.

On the site plan for the property, SPP included several “pocket parks” that were subsequently removed from the plan after a planning commissioner noted their location was poor. A representative for SPP said the pocket parks would be added back to the plan.

Several commissioners at the Sept. 10 meeting were adamant about locking SPP in to a certain funding amount for linking to a nearby path tunnel underneath Ga. Highway 74, for a city “gateway” sign along the highway and perhaps the construction of restrooms at the adjacent Meade Field park.

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