Jobless rates fall again in Coweta, Fayette


Unemployment numbers in Coweta and Fayette counties have fallen again. Figures released last week by the Ga. Dept. of Labor showed the November jobless rate in both counties falling to levels not seen for the past few years. Coweta’s rate dropped to 7.2 percent while Fayette saw a rate of 6.8 percent.

Coweta’s jobless rate was 7.5 percent in October, but fell to 7.2 percent in November. Recent unemployment numbers are far better than the 8.3 percent rate seen just a year ago. A look back even further shows that Coweta had a jobless rate of nearly 10 percent in late 2010 and 2011.

Fayette County also saw improving numbers in November. The 7.1 percent rate in October fell to 6.8 percent in November. That compares to a rate of 7.6 percent a year ago and rates of 8.6 percent in late 2010 and 8.1 percent in late 2009.

Unemployment numbers in Peachtree City and Newnan also improved as 2012 drew to a close.

The jobless rate in Peachtree City fell from 6.6 percent in October to 6.3 percent in November. The rate a year ago was also 6.6 percent.

The decline in the unemployment rate in Newnan was more pronounced. The November rate came in at 8 percent. That compares to the 8.5 percent rate in October and a rate of 9.2 percent a year ago.

Regional jobless numbers also saw some decrease in November. The 10-county Three Rivers Regional Commission area that includes Coweta saw the October rate of 9 percent decrease to 8.9 percent in November. Both those numbers are significantly better than the 9.8 percent rate a year ago.

And in the 10-county Atlanta Regional Commission area that includes Fayette, October’s 8.2 percent unemployment rate fell just a bit to 8.1 percent in November. The rate a year ago stood at 8.9 percent.

The unemployment picture also improved somewhat statewide in November. The 8.7 percent jobless rate in October saw a small decline to 8.5 percent in November. The state’s unemployment rate a year ago was 9.5 percent.