Monday hailstorm causes only minor damage in Fayette


A surprise hailstorm early Monday evening lasted for more than 10 minutes in downtown Fayetteville but it failed to do much damage countywide.

No injuries were reported due to the hailstorm, according to representatives of the Peachtree City and Fayette County emergency medical services.

There was no serious damage in Peachtree City, and the county only suffered a few downed trees that landed on power lines, officials said.

The hail ranged from what is commonly referred to as pea size with a few larger chunks mixed in. It came down with such force that it bounced off the pavement in downtown Fayetteville.

Media reports indicated there was a significant amount of hail damage reported at Hartsfield Jackson International Airport in College Park. The hailstorm happened during the evening commute hours, so it impacted the drive home for a number of Fayette County residents.