Fayette slashes marshals by 73%


The Fayette County Commission on May 9 cast a unanimous vote to begin the process that will eliminate eight of the 11 positions at the Fayette County Marshal’s Office beginning in July. The job duties required of the remaining marshals will be developed in the coming weeks.

There was virtually no discussion after executive session when Chairman Steve Brown announced that the county was in process of balancing the budget and “going through a reorganization process.” Brown said the process included having the marshal’s office reduce its number of employees from 11 to a staff of three.

Of the eight eliminated employees, six will be transferred to newly-created jobs in county government, with one going to the sheriff’s office as an investigator, two becoming code enforcement officers and three going to positions in the county water system.

Brown’s motion, accompanied by an immediate unanimous vote, paved the way for County Administrator Steve Rapson to put a reduction in force measure on the agenda later this month.

Rapson on Monday said the reduction is expected to save approximately $471,000 and will take effect on July 1.

Pertaining to current duties and those the marshals will be responsible for beginning in July, Rapson said those duties will be a part of the upcoming budget talks.

The proposal was part of Rapson’s May 13 budget presentation.