F’ville preps zoning for ‘unique’ projects


Fayetteville’s development standards for years have included a Planned Community District (PCD) zoning category for large-scale residential and business projects. The zoning category is up for a potential revision with the first reading June 6 of an amendment that would allow for zoning of the new Pinewood Atlanta Studios development and other unique projects previously not seen in the city.

It appears that the first proposal for the new zoning category will be the Knotty Pine residential development planned for 38 acres on Grady Avenue near the Waterfall retail center. The proposal includes 400 residential units of cottages, apartments and townhomes.

PCD zoning currently allows for the creation of an individual site-specific zoning district on a particular parcel that is distinct in scope and purpose. But with the upcoming annexation of the 288-acre Pinewood Atlanta site on Sandy Creek Road, city staff is proposing a number of changes that would best accommodate both that development and others that might want to locate in Fayetteville.

All said, the lengthy ordinance has only a few proposed changes, but those changes are significant.

One provision to the proposed ordinance includes the addition of “film production facilities and related services” under the approved PCD commercial uses.

The proposed amendment would also permit universities under the conditional use provision where before the only educational facilities noted in the ordinance pertained to public, parochial and private schools.

The proposed amendment under the conditional exceptions section includes a new feature that, with approval by the council, would allow for increased densities for student housing and elder care facilities.

Addressing another change, the amendment notes that single-use projects that would best benefit the city under the PCD classification will be considered for approval. The current ordinance notes that PCD projects should consist of more than one land use.

Yet another proposed addition to the PCD zoning deals with transportation access to a PCD development. The current provision that a PCD development must be located only on a collector or major street will be changed to the development having ingress and egress to the existing street network where appropriate.

The council should hear the second reading and potentially vote on the amendment at the June 20 meeting.