Crabapple Lane Elem. team wins Ga. Science Olympiad


    Science students at Crabapple Lane Elementary brought home the school’s first championship win at the Georgia Elementary Science Olympiad.

    The school has competed previously at the state level, earning a second place victory in 2006 and 2012. Students placed in the top six spots for most of the competitive events, and those collective scores earned the points needed for this year’s first place victory.

    “Teamwork was key to this victory. They all gave one-hundred percent effort and I couldn’t be more proud of them,” says Science Olympiad coach Pat Costa.

    The students put in a lot of working preparing throughout the year, first for the county competition and then at the state level. They practiced before and after school as well as on weekends, meeting at least twice a month for most of the school year.

    Science Olympiad gives students the opportunity to put science, engineering and math skills into action.

    It challenges them to become problem solvers and think critically. Since there is always an unknown variable going into the competition, students must be prepared to adjust their thinking, work collaboratively and be creative.

    “Science Olympiad helps instill a love of science and engineering that we hope will follow students into middle and high school,” says Costa.