Work on Hwy. 74, Oakley Blvd. to blame for I-85 area traffic snarl


    The recent traffic dilemmas south of Interstate 85 along Ga. Highway 74 are bad enough on their own. But intersection improvement work long underway, which causes its own version of congestion, are expected to eventually make the intersection with Oakley Industrial Boulevard more manageable.

    Commenting on general aspects of the project,DOT spokesman Mark McKinnon said the project was designed by the Ga. Dept. of Transportation to result in a number of traffic improvements to the high-volume intersection.

    The project is expected to be wrapped up by the end of the year.

    One of the improvements will have dual-lane left turn lanes installed on Hwy. 74 South for vehicles turning east on Oakley Industrial.

    Another project component will have Oakley Industrial widened by approximately 200 feet on both sides of Hwy. 74.

    A third improvement will have the turning radius widened on southbound Hwy. 74 for westbound turns onto Oakley Industrial.

    A final improvement component will have the median opening in front of the Waffle House restaurant near I-85 closed. The move is being done for safety reasons.