PTC to meet on leash law, cell tower locations

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PTC to meet on leash law, cell tower locations

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Voice control may be on the way out

The potential elimination of the “voice control” option for pets will be discussed by the Peachtree City Council at a workshop meeting Monday, Apr. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall.

At the same meeting, council is expected to further discuss potential locations for future cell phone towers, as most of the few sites which meet zoning regulations are either owned by the city or the Fayette County Board of Education.

City staff has recommended the city require leashes for animals when on public rights-of-way. The voice control ordinance is impossible to enforce, Police Chief H.C. “Skip” Clark previously told council.

The city had a total of eight dog bite cases reported last year. Staff also will propose regulations for tethered dogs that are left unattended, citing statistics that such animals are twice as likely to bite a human compared to other dogs.

During the cell tower discussion, council will take a look at the areas around town where three carriers have indicated they have a need for new towers.
A recent city study showed that precious few sites are available in residential areas which would meet the needs of the three carriers who have chosen to meet with the city: T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon. Part of the issue is that it takes a rather sizable lot to locate a new tower and associated ground equipment while meeting the city’s setback requirements, city officials have said.

The fenced compound at the base of the tower cannot be within 200 feet of any residential property line at a bare minimum, according to city ordinance.
Currently the towers can be built on land zoned for open space, agriculture residential, light industrial or general industrial use.

No carrier has filed a formal application for a cell tower, but city staff have explored the issue with carriers in hopes of preventing a proliferation of towers in the city.
Interim Community Development Director David Rast has said the three cell providers working with the city want to build a monopole structure instead of the more typical “lattice” structure seen around the city now. The carriers also want to stay at or below the 200-foot height which triggers a certain type of lighting to be used according to rules of the Federal Aviation Administration, Rast has said.

Two other wireless companies have not yet provided information to the city regarding their potential for future expansion: Sprint and Clear Wireless.

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