Christ Our Shepherd to present ‘Arrest These Merry Gentlemen’

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Christ Our Shepherd to present ‘Arrest These Merry Gentlemen’

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Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church will present “Arrest These Merry Gentlemen” this Sunday, Dec. 8, at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.

With touches of humor and creative license, the telling of the Christmas story is from the perspective of Bethlehem residents.

Shepherd’s Flock Singers are all in grades 1-5. Kieran Marland will play Sgt. Joe Sabbath of Bethlehem’s police department. His deputies will be portrayed by his sister, Lauren, and Emily McDowell. Natalie Robichaux and Addie Ellison will take the parts of two newspaper reporters, Scoop and Cub. Christian Jubin will be the Camel Driver.

Shepherds will be Livvy Zimmerman, Cassie Crosby, Tyler Jacobson, Amelia Ellison, Ruth Nielsen, and Addison Taylor.

The cast also includes Molly Marland, Victoria Taylor, Clint Nielsen, Caroline Alford, Natalie Irvin, McKay Byerly, Hannah Kelly, Katherine Shriner, Megan Irvin, Mia Haefner, Mari Hegrenes, and Ethan Hoellrich.

The young singer/actors will also play handbells and choir chimes. The public is invited.There is no charge.

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