PTC approves $10K to fund its share of new countywide visioning plan


An effort to develop a community-driven strategic plan for Fayette County’s future got a shot of support from the Peachtree City Council Thursday night.

Council approved a resolution in support of the Fayette Visioning Initiative and also put money where its mouth was. The $10,000 contribution will help reach the $150,000 fundraising goal established to help fund the effort, which is being overseen by a consultant. So far the biggest contribution has come from Fayette Coweta EMC, which chipped in $60,000 toward the goal, officials said.

The approval from council comes with a string attached, as a service provision agreement will have to be worked out between the city and the visioning leaders, who will also be seeking donations from other local governments.

Peachtree City stands to be one of the bigger beneficiaries of the visioning process, City Manager Jim Pennington told council.

The visioning effort is very desirous of citizens’ time these days, particularly when it comes to taking a 15-30 minute online survey that will help drive the vision for the county’s future as a whole. The survey is available at

The survey asks about the school system, long listed by many as one of the top reasons they chose to move here, among other community factors including healthcare and what the participant would like to see happen in the next five years in Fayette County.

The planning initiative is a countywide look including all municipalities in the county along with unincorporated Fayette and its smaller towns. The plan will be designed for both residents and Fayette’s myriad of local businesses too, organizers have said.

The initiative is led by 39 steering committee members including longtime Fayette residents, relative newcomers, young professionals, retired military leaders, economic development professionals, K-12, university and career tech educators, law enforcement and more.

The goal is to develop — and implement — a plan that “will include specific goals, objectives and tactics for creating the future that Fayette County desires.”

Anyone with questions about the process can email Paige Muh or Jamie Knox at the Fayette County Chamber of Commerce at [email protected] or Jonathan Miller at Market Street Services at [email protected].

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