PTC needs volunteers for boards, authorities


Perhaps one of your New Year’s resolutions is to get more involved. Peachtree City happens to have a few openings for volunteers on several of its volunteer boards and authorities, but you’ll need to act quick, as applications are due by 5 p.m. Jan. 3.

Among the positions up for grabs are one member’s seat and one alternate on the Recreation and Special Events Board, the Peachtree City Airport Authority and the Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority.

The Peachtree City Convention and Visitors Bureau needs to fill three members’ posts, but the applicants must be either a retail representative, a hotel/motel representative or a local business owner.

The WASA and Airport Authority positions are unique because of the responsibilities held by each of those two authorities. WASA operates the city’s sewer system and is independent of the city’s finances. WASA members set sewer rates and oversee fiscal and policy decisions of the city’s sewer-related functions.

The Airport Authority is also a separate financial entity from the city, charged with running Falcon Field/Atlanta Regional Airport.

The Recreation and Special Events Board advises the mayor and city council on recreation needs in the city along with needs of the city’s library.

The Convention and Visitors Bureau is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting tourism in the city. It also operates the city’s visitor’s center.

Details and applications are available online at The deadline to submit an application is 5 p.m. Friday Jan. 3.