PTC’s McIntosh High School to receive a facelift

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PTC’s McIntosh High School to receive a facelift

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As a project it will not be large. But the improvement to McIntosh High School approved Monday night by the Fayette County Board of Education will be something that will make a difference for students and for the look of a portion of the school’s exterior.

As it stands today, the main entrance positioned on the south side of the school is the location of administrative offices on the ground floor. The approved project will have an enclosed walkway installed above the administrative area which will link the existing two-story classroom buildings.

“The kids have to come downstairs (from either of the classroom buildings) to cross over to the (other building). It’s been a problem for years,” school system Facilities Director Mike Satterfield said, noting a school board request several months ago to address the issue.

The solution is to install an enclosed walkway above the administrative area, Satterfield said. Doing so will provide for easy transit between the two classroom buildings and will provide some additional office space and a vestibule area inside the front door. The additional office space, while not adding new offices, will create a limited amount of additional square footage for the offices facing the parking lot.

Though the building material to be used is not set, the design of the walkway area is in the form of an arc that will connect to the two buildings. The walkway could be constructed of masonry or stucco and, regardless the material, it will feature a large amount of glass.

“It will be an attractive change,” Satterfield said.

The school board by unanimous vote agreed to initiate the bid process. Satterfield said the project cost is expected to be in the $850,000-900,000 range and is expected to be funded with local option sales tax dollars.

The school board later in the school year will have to approve the bid. Satterfield said he hoped the project could begin after the end of the school year and be completed in the fall.

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