Georgia DOT crews working non-stop to clear metro roadways


UPDATE Wednesday, 9:40 a.m. – Temperatures in the mid-teens early Wednesday challenged Georgia Department of Transportation crews working to keep roadways clear of snow and ice, not just in metro Atlanta but statewide.

GDOT is utilizing all its resources in clearing roadways; in Atlanta, almost 300 workers have been scraping ice and treating the highways.

They are joined by employees of private contracting firms – C.W. Matthews Contracting Co., Inc., TAG Grinding Services, Inc. and Rhino Services, Inc. – which are under contract with GDOT to provide additional workers and equipment to clear roadways.

In addition, 48 Highway Emergency Response Operator (HERO) personnel are helping motorists who were stranded on icy roadways, providing fuel and mechanical assistance.

Icy roadways are a challenge all across the state and all GDOT resources are being utilized – some 1,900 workers using 568 pieces of equipment.

GDOT’s priority is to get people to their destination safely, especially those still stranded.

To do so, crews need unfettered access to the roadways. People are urged to stay off the roadways until the icing is no longer a danger.

In addition, truckers are being advised not to drive in metro Atlanta and north Georgia unless their tractor-trailers are utilizing chains on their tires.

Also, GDOT is authorized to move stranded trucks and passenger vehicles from the roadway to shoulders or medians, per Georgia law (A.C.C.G. 32-6-2).

Tuesday’s winter storm devastated traffic in metropolitan Atlanta and presented dangerous driving conditions across Georgia. The storm wreaked havoc on metropolitan Atlanta traffic; an impact that continues to be felt this morning.

Clean-up efforts continue on Metro Atlanta freeways and other roads in north and central Georgia. Atlanta was hardest hit; the storm caused employers and schools to release workers and students at the same time Tuesday afternoon, resulting in gridlock on metro roadways.

That traffic hampered Georgia DOT crews from treating the roads and clearing incidents; in turn causing delays that went well into the night.

GDOT is clearing the states interstate highways of ice, with major state routes also getting treated. The Department is treating and reopening those corridors that become impassable due to ice accumulation.

If motorists must travel, please be patient with conditions and with one another and be extremely cautious. Slow down considerably; allow extra distance between yourself and other vehicles, maintain a steady speed; avoid lane changing and sudden acceleration or braking; and never pass a Georgia DOT, contractor or local government truck treating the road.