‘Ready to move’ on MacDuff Pkwy. bridge

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‘Ready to move’ on MacDuff Pkwy. bridge

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Public hearing March 24 for Wieland 238-home rezoning on PTC’s west side; bridge over railroad is key

The extension of MacDuff Parkway, all the way to Ga. Highway 74, may be closer to becoming a reality.

Officials for John Wieland Homes told the Peachtree City Planning Commission Monday that the company was “ready to move” on its $3.7 million share of the project as soon as developer Brent Scarborough is ready to proceed on the development of its portion of 782 acres annexed into the city in 2007.

Wieland reps said they believe Scarborough is close to an agreement with a builder to get started on its 650-home “active adult” development.

“If he gets to the point where he is prepared to move forward with MacDuff, we are prepared to move forward with MacDuff,” said Wieland Vice President Dan Fields.

The road extension’s price tag is in the neighborhood of $8 million, and much of the cost is tied up in a bridge that is necessary to cross the CSX railroad.

As a condition of the annexation, the road must be completely built before the city will issue any certificate of occupancy for either of the annexed parcels, both of which are north of the current terminus of MacDuff Parkway and west of Ga. Highway 74.

Both developers have agreed to fully pay for the cost of the road, which will provide a significant benefit to the city, particularly to those living in Wilksmoor Village, who currently battle traffic on Ga. Highway 54 West, since it is the only way in and out of their subdivisions.

Wieland officials appeared before the commission to discuss a separate proposal: to rezone an 87-acre tract from general industrial to a residential use to allow a 204-home subdivision.

Wieland also wants the city to allow 34 homes on a nearby 17-acre site that was once set aside for a new elementary school. Because that land was to remain open space without the school, the company has shifted that open space to the proposed 87-acre site instead, Fields said.

The 204-home subdivision would be age-targeted for residents 55 and up with price points north of $300,000 and the 34-home subdivision would not be age-targeted but would have price points upwards of $450,000, Wieland officials said.

The planning commission is slated to vote March 24 on whether it will recommend approval or denial of both proposals from Wieland. That meeting will be a public hearing, which will allow citizens to comment on the record for the commission’s benefit prior to voting on the requests.

The final say on the zoning matters rests with the Peachtree City Council. One particular area of interest for the commission is whether citizens are willing to accept more traffic on Ga. Highway 54 and particularly the intersection with MacDuff Parkway, which currently has significant back-ups due to traffic, residents have said.

“The 54 West corridor is a significant concern for the vast majority of individuals in Peachtree City,” said Planning Commission Chairman Frank Destadio. “From an emotional, political stance right now, and I’m speaking for myself only, it will be hard to vote yes to put more houses there until we see what that traffic study says on 54 West.”

Wieland officials said the 87-acre site would have about 40 acres of open space including an area along a stream on the property that will be ideal for children to go explore.

Other open space will feature “places to throw the baseball, throw the frisbee, things people like to do around their homes,” said Jeff Kingsfield of John Wieland Homes.

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