Senoia plans citywide yard sale April 26

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Senoia plans citywide yard sale April 26

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The idea of having a citywide yard sale was the brainchild of the Senoia Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and the Senoia Area Historical Society (SAHS). Residents interested in participating in the April 26 event should register at City Hall to be included on the list of yard sale locations.

Organizers said SAHS had already scheduled its annual yard sale fundraiser when DDA members suggested the idea of having a combined event on the same day.

“We viewed this an an opportunity to invite everyone in town to join us on April 26 with their own yard sale,” said SAHS Museum Director Maureen Schulyer. “It’s kind of ‘the more the merrier.’”

The annual SAHS yard sale is one of the organization’s biggest fundraisers, Schulyer said, adding that the Senoia Optimist Club has been a strong supporter of the effort since its inception in 2011.

SAHS and DDA members said the event this year should provide yard-salers with even more possibilities.

The idea is for residents interested in participating to register free of charge at City Hall to be include on the list of locations for the April 26 event.

The event will kick-off at the SAHS Museum at 8 a.m. the day of the yard sale. Shoppers will receive coffee and donuts and a list of registered yard sale locations throughout the city.

Schulyer said those who do not want to have a yard sale but would like to donate items to SAHS can drop the items off at the organization’s 6 Couch Street location on any Friday or Saturday between 1-4 p.m. or call Nancy Roy at 770-599-6321 to arrange for items to be picked up.

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