Apartments get less scrutiny than car wash


Fayetteville Council: We will be missing your approval of the PCD rezoning because of a prior commitment.

I attended two of the three Planning and Zoning meetings about the apartments to be built at the Villages at LaFayette Park. I knew that our subdivision was in trouble at the first meeting. The questions were about water features, paint colors, and elevators; not about what was happening to the PCD.

Our only hope is that you will consider the following:

1. Limit the development to 190 units, which still will be denser than any other apartment complex in town.

2. That you will limit the apartments to two stories. No other apartment complex in town has three stories.

3. That you consider what two buildings of 54 units look like in the city. No other apartment complex has this many units in a building.

4. That you consider what these three-story buildings will look like across the street from one-story buildings.

At the first reading I spoke about the Pinewood Express and Ben Nelms’ article told the story well, “Smooth sailing.” The developer acknowledged the plans were too far along to include some of Mrs. [Carolyn] Cary’s comments. You can complete your building plans before approval if you know the approval is guaranteed.

I have attended city and county meetings for years and do not want to sound like many who oppose a rezoning; but this vote will be one of those legacy votes that you make as an elective official. This project will change the character of the Main Street District and Fayetteville.

There has been more discussion by Planning and Zoning and the City Council about a car wash than an apartment complex that changes the direction of future city development.

Commission and council members checked on other car washes by the developer. Have any of you checked on other apartments by this developer? Why does this development get a lesser review?

Tony and Mary Parrott
Fayetteville, Ga.