Hwy. 34 intersection to get traffic light


A long-sought traffic signal on Ga. Highway 34 at Lora Smith Road moved closer to reality June 17 when the Coweta County Commission voted unanimously to fund the $182,000 project which has received approval by the Ga. Dept. of Transportation (DOT).

County director of transportation and engineering Tod Handley told commissioners the project at Hwy. 34 and Lora Smith Road which includes the installation of a traffic signal and a right-turn lane had been requested of DOT in previous years and came with a DOT denial.

Today, said Handley, those discussions which included current traffic volumes and the intersection’s accident history led to DOT agreeing to permit a traffic signal at the location.

The traffic signal project will be in addition to the planned turn-lane project, Handley said, and will carry a cost of approximately $182,000. Local transportation sales tax revenues (SPLOST) will fund the project.

County administrator Michael Fouts said the project design component is already underway.

Handley said the contract could potentially go to bid in the spring.