Cost of Fayette Vision: $850K


Fayette Visioning Initiative Co-chair Bob Ross revealed two dozen “to-do’s” with a price tag of approximately $850,000 to about 100 residents who attended a climactic vision meeting at the Dolce in Peachtree City last week.

Ross’s presentation outlined the findings and recommendations of the initiative that began last October.

The committee recommends focusing on initiatives in the areas of community, place, education and economy and monitoring 24 areas of progress.

A five-year implementation plan will cost about $170,000 a year which will include funding for staff and various a-la-carte services from Market Street Services, the company which has steered the process since December.

Visioning expenses through the end of May were $102,727, funded through a combination of private contributions and local government grants.

Fayette’s vision statement, released last month, defines the county as “the place where bold ideas become reality.” Increasing collaboration, inclusive leadership, educational progress, development, employment opportunities and quality of life to “unrivaled heights” is on the agenda.

Attendees gathered to brainstorm in these four areas of interest in a breakout session following Ross’s presentation.

Here’s the list of items for which progress is to be measured:

1. Community

• Participants in annual event celebrating Fayette

• Number of nonprofits using Chamber for Good website

• Number of crowd-funding donors

• Establishment of an online events portal

• Creation of a public safety foundation

2. Place

• Establishment of a single arts nonprofit

• Completion of feasibility study for a multi-use events space

• Number of Keep Peachtree City Beautiful members

• Number of miles of connected multi-use paths

• Establishment of development guidelines for specific areas

• Completion of transportation “needs assessment” for seniors

3. Education

• Four-year cohort graduation rate

• College and Career Readiness Performance Index

• International benchmarks

• Digital School Districts Survey

• Students graduating with internship experience

• Teachers participating in externships

4. Economy

• Small businesses assisted

• Establishment of an incubator / accelerator

• Jobs from expansions, relocations

• Company success rate after three and five years

• Companies reached through BRE visits

• Volume of industrial and office space brought to market.