Tyrone’s Founders Day expands to a week this year


The Founders Day Parade is always a highlight during the town’s annual festival. Photo/Ben Nelms.

The Tyrone Founders Day Festival will be a weeklong event this year. The fun begins with a fishing rodeo at Shamrock Lake Sept. 13 from 9 a.m. to noon, along with a community yard sale. On Sept. 14, the annual Sweet Heart pageant will take place at the Tyrone Recreation Center.

On Sept. 16, the festival continues with Jazz in Shamrock Park with the Sandy Creek Jazz Band. Bring your blankets and chairs. On Wednesday evening, Sept. 15 at 6:30 p.m., the town is staging One Worship with all the local churches coming together on the Great Lawn at Shamrock Park to celebrate and worship together.

The carnival, with all of its games and rides, opens Sept. 18th. Sandy Creek High School will also hold their talent show that night under the new pavilion at Handley Park. All gate fees on Thursday will go to the Sandy Creek Chorus Boosters.

On Sept. 19, the evening begins with arts and crafts, retail and kid friendly vendors to delicious festival food. Vendors such as BBQ, funnel cakes, Italian ice, Philly cheese steaks, cotton candy, candy apples and so much more will tantalize your tummies. Also, lots of jewelry and unique fashion accessories will be sold throughout the festival.

The winners of the talent show, will open up the evening at 6 p.m., with their winning performances followed by an awesome band, Them Morris Boys. The band will be rocking it from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.. Rise and shine on Saturday morning with the Tyrone 5K Fun Run and Walk, followed by a parade at 11 a.m. through the heart of Tyrone.

The fun will continue with carnival rides, strong man contest, ice cream contest and varying entertainment acts throughout the day at Handley Park.

In the evening, the Battle of the Bands contest, will be playing to win $500 from Partners Pizza in Tyrone, vocal lessons from Studio 27 and two days of recording time in the Zac Brown recording studios, prizes totaling over $5,000.

The Trenton Ewing Band will finish the evening along with a fantastic display of fireworks at 9 p.m. Finally, on Sept. 21, the festival wraps up with carnival rides, vendors, along with a new captivating event, All-Star Network Pro-Wrestling, with two hours of action packed fun from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. A hot dog eating contest and the awesome Rockabilly band, Jason Lee and the Cyclones, will wrap up this fantastic festival. Lots of new and exciting events are planned all week long. The town is still accepting vendor and parade applicants.

For more information, please contact Lynda or Jennifer at 770-487-4694 at the Tyrone Recreation Dept. or go to our website www.tyronefoundersday.org .