Middle schoolers learn coding


Computer Science Education Week at Bennett’s Mill Middle included participation in one of the largest global learning events in history.

Students at the school joined millions around the world as participants in the “Hour of Code” during the week of Dec. 8-14.

98 percent of more than 980 students at Bennett’s Mill took part in the program. In just one hour, students were introduced to computer coding basics, showing them that programming is fun and for all ages.

The program was an effort to demystify computer science and get more students interested in technology-related careers.

Susan Hall, seventh grade science teacher, organized the school’s participation in the Hour of Code.

“We are so excited that nearly every student participated. We are on our way to being a 21st Century STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) school,” says Hall.

The “Hour of Code” is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students, starting age 4 and up, and is in over 180 countries.

It is organized by Code.org, a public, 501(C)(3), nonprofit dedicated to expanding participation in computer science by making it available in more schools and increasing participation by women and underrepresented students of color.